Here is our first Social Report. We would like to share with you an overview on who we are (identity, governance, values), what we do (goals, activities, results), how we work (evaluation process and impact), how much we committed ourselves in processes of change (2020 supported projects, income and allocated resources, overview since 1999). A dedicated focus on last year, will show you how we reinvented our approach in response to Covid-19 emergency.
Direct voices from the projects we support will amplify and add value to our vision.
This report reflects an ongoing process, a costant movement that represents us and that identifies the organisations we support.
at a glance
17 projects supported
€ 1,9 million allocated
5 countries involved
educational community
educational relationship
value of the individual
13 projects supported
€ 0,9 million allocated
6 countries involved
the right job, for everyone
autonomy and dignity
vocational training
community developement
14 projects supported
€ 0,5 million allocated
4 countries involved
living the territory
social responsability
modus operandi
evaluation process
629 applications received
172 from other countries
457 from Italy
assesed applications
427 at pre-evaluation process
79 for further in depht analysis
giving value
qualitative and quantitative evaluations
ex-ante, in itinere and monitoring ex-post
reporting analysis
in-depth visits and meetings
impact assessment
how much
€ 4 million fundraising
€ 27,3K donations
€ 32,9K 5x1000
€ 5,1million allowances to organisations
indicators at a glance
7% incidence of general expenditure on allocated funds
7% incidence of general expenditure on income