
Primo, imparare bene la lingua!



Italy, Verona

The project in brief

Cestim was born in Verona in 1990 as an association of social and cultural operators who deal with immigrants and the challenges they have to face in various fields. Since 2002, the Fondazione San Zeno has supported the program of linguistic interventions, carried out in synergy with schools, local administrations and local associations that aim at the scholastic and social inclusion of immigrants and children of immigrants. The project, called “Primo, learn the language well!” includes L2 Italian courses, volunteer and after-school activities, summer training and language tutoring. 

Our contribution

L2 language support, school inclusion through after school, Summer courses, TLC - Language Tutoring, courses for foreign women. 


2002 - to date

Allocated amount

By range € : > 500K